Pixel Gun 3D Team

All hail the Dragon! While mankind is just settling into 2024, we have already prepared the first patch note of this year for you. Inside, as always, you'll find comprehensive information about the available and upcoming amusements, a report on our work, and plans for the future. Pick up your favorite guns, load up the right modules, check the loading case, and let's go!

See the familiar word "brawl" in the title? You ain't seen nothing yet!

The new mode is not just about brawls, it’s a global revision of our shooter mechanics. We've tried to make deathmatches even more dynamic and addictive while increasing the emphasis on skill.

In a new kind of brawl, we've significantly reduced TTK, leaving the damage ranking model (body shots vs headshots) unchanged. The tempo of battles is now much higher, and the matches feel like a real cybersport competition. Of course, the brawls will sport a daily updated leaderboard.

The second critical change is the increased FOV. This innovation not only grants you better control of space and allows you to make more confident decisions in the heat of the battle, but also completely changes your perception of the match. If you feel the classic old-school arena shooter vibe, don't be surprised, that’s the way it should be.

Your feedback is essential to us here! If you like the new FOV, we will add it to the game settings. So don't miss the enhanced brawls and share your opinion!

New modes and balance tweaks are immediately noticeable, but there are aspects of PG3D that are a bit more intangible, and therefore harder to adjust. For example, the menu navigation user experience: it's not a gameplay thing but it requires the most careful attention. We have planned extensive improvement works regarding the user experience of both newcomers and seasoned Pixel Pass overlords. One of the heralds of these improvements is the Task Hub.

As the name implies, it contains all the relevant tasks from various categories. Now you don't need to go through different sections to understand what kind of challenges PG3D has to offer. Monitoring tasks is not only convenient but also useful. We've tweaked the reward system a bit, so now you get not only what you're due for completing a task but also something on top for finishing a series of tasks.

And most of all, Task Hub will make life easier for newcomers. The tasks are built in such a way that freshly minted pixelgunners quickly familiarize themselves with all aspects of the game and join the ranks of experienced players.

For now, you can find Newcomer’s Missions, Daily Tasks, and Pixel Pass Tasks but we plan to add some more soon.

After the Christmas ritual battles with Santa Brawler, you find yourself in the medieval Kingdom of Eldermoor. There you will meet the local king, a happy-go-lucky bard, and a brave knight. But living in Eldermoor is not a bed of roses: the peaceful life is overshadowed by the war with the neighboring kingdom, and somewhere out there lurks an elusive and ruthless assassin, who received an order to kill the august personage. Now you and your newfound friends must protect the king and fight the most dangerous manqueller of the pixel Middle Ages.

Polar Expedition Event

In January, we set off on a dangerous expedition to find a mysterious weapon hidden behind a wall of thousand-year ice. Unfortunately, even with the most advanced pixel technology, it's almost impossible to obtain the sacral gun. But there is an old tried and tested method: burning coal. Take an active part in event promotions, collect coals, and get a unique avatar and a weapon that embodies all the cold and horror of the Arctic.

FTUE Update

Pixel Gun 3D is now 10 years old, but our pixel shooter still attracts a lot of new players. Seasoned pixelgunners know what's what but it takes time for newcomers to figure out the intricacies of Pixel Pass and find the seven differences between the Lottery and Sets, not to mention the game modes. That's why we've redesigned our tutorials: the adaptation process should now be as short and easy as it gets, allowing more newcomers to stay in the game for a long time.

Changes in the Battle Royale mode

In the last update, we started the reenvisioning process of the Battle Royale mode: we completely changed the killstreak system and added new chest spawn zones.

In the 24.1 update, we have again rotated weapons for the mode. Among your new reliable allies in the Battle Royale, there are such winter hits as Xmas Destroyer, Laser Assistant, and Sock Bomber. Of course, the essence of the mode hasn't changed ("there can be only one") but it feels a bit different now.

  • Fixed an incorrect shader display for Deadly Icicle and Ninja Ice Axes;
  • Fixed an incorrect range of the Inevitability sniper rifle;
  • Fixed the incorrect healing mechanic operation of the Spiritual Rifle;
  • Fixed the reload animation of the Deadly Eye Vengeance;
  • Fixed a bug with an empty squad when attacking an enemy fort in the Clan War;
  • Fixed a bug in the Racing mode that was causing the car to jam;
  • Fixed an incorrect shader display for the Christmas Letter Shredder;
  • Fixed Ghost Lantern's projectile textures;
  • Fixed a bug with incorrect accrual of picked-up ammo for the Useful Suitcase.

Balance Changes

New update - new firearms edits! As usual, we have prepared a separate report on balance edits. You can read it here:  

What do you think about the new changes in the game? Be sure to share your thoughts in the comments on social networks! See you in the next update!

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